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Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation

Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation
ISSN: 1742-6812
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
Editor in Chiefs: Graham Penn; Barnabas Reynolds
Subscription Information: Any Time Start
Format: Journal
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Launched in 1986 and established as the leading specialist international banking law journal, the Journal of International Banking Law has been expanded to include coverage of regulatory issues - and has been relaunched as the Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. The increased scope of the Journal reflects the ongoing changes in the international banking, securities and regulatory arena. It provides detailed, practical analysis of international legal and regulatory issues from around the world.

Each month our international correspondents give their views on topical issues and future trends in a comprehensive news section. Articles and analytical pieces combine practical information with academic opinion, identifying current issues and offering guidance and advice; expert reviews of the latest publications ensure that you stay ahead of the competition.

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Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation

Contributor Information

Scope of the Journal

The Journal is a prestigious monthly publication which launched in 1986 and has established itself as the leading specialist international banking and finance law journal, providing in-depth analysis and consideration of the law, regulation and practice in all areas of banking and financial services from around the world. It combines critical thinking on topical issues with practical application and covers all fields of banking and financial legal and regulatory practice including, loan finance, debt capital markets, derivatives, structured finance, including securitisation, banking and investment banking services, fund and portfolio management, insurance and reinsurance, fintech, digital assets and crypto, financial infrastructure, booking entities and financial services regulatory requirements. Analytical articles on topical issues, written by leading practitioners and academics in the international arena, combine practical information with academic opinion, identifying current issues and offering expert guidance and advice.


Contributions should conform to the guidelines as to style and layout set out below:

  • Submissions are to be prepared using a word-processing package, ideally Microsoft Word. Please do not submit text as a PDF file. Typescripts should be double-spaced, including text, tables, legends and footnotes. Details of where to send your submission are supplied below.
  • Full references and footnotes should be provided as necessary.
  • Please provide a 60-word abstract of your submission. This abstract will appear on the contents page of the issue containing your submission.
  • Note that subscribers come from a wide variety of jurisdictions so please provide explanations of terms where necessary. Plain English should be used where appropriate.
  • Please provide the name of the author(s) as you wish it to appear in the journal and also indicate the firm/institution and country of residence.
  • All contributors will have the requisite experience in the field relevant to their contribution and we are unable to accept submissions which are part of a degree or post-graduate degree course.

Style guidelines for contributions

All contributions must discuss subjects of international interest. Please submit contributions under one of the following formats:

  • Opinions
    In the style of an editorial, these are topical, opinionated pieces that can express a more radical or controversial view. They are shorter in length that articles or analyses and are “punchier” in style.
    Word length: approximately 1,500
  • Articles
    Articles should focus on a major, current theme of interest to the banking and financial community. They should explain a current situation or issue in a practical way and provide thoughtful analysis, comment, evaluation and criticism as appropriate. Comparisons with other jurisdictions should be added where appropriate.
    Word length: typically in the range of 4,000 to 7,500 words, but longer articles will be considered in circumstances where the importance of the topic and the depth of analysis justify more detailed (and lengthier) coverage.
  • Legal analysis
    This should involve discussion and analysis of regulatory, legislative, or statutory developments. A very specific, significant topic (such as an individual case, Bill, Act, or section of an Act) should be addressed. An analysis should explain why it is of relevance to a particular jurisdiction, and internationally. It will be more factual than an article, but still provide a degree of analysis and evaluation. Analysis pieces can often be converted from a significant news item.
    Word length: Typically in the range of 2,500 to 3,000 words but longer submissions may be accepted where the topic justifies more detailed (and lengthier) analysis.
  • Book reviews
    The review should be headed by a full bibliographic citation which includes the book’s title, the author’s name, the publisher, year of publication, number of pages, format (hardback or paperback) and price. The reviewer should also state their name and the name of their university, chambers or firm. Book reviews should be a combination of helpful information to readers and constructive personal views.
    Word length: typically 750 to 1,500 words, although longer reviews will be considered

Exclusivity of publication

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Peer Review Process

Please note that all contributions undergo a peer review process prior to publication, where manuscripts are submitted to the editorial board and external referees for comment and consideration. The identity of the reviewer(s) is not typically disclosed and, following the review process, contributors may be asked to make some amendments to ensure that the piece is suitable for publication. It is always advisable to check that your chosen topic has not already been commissioned before you commence writing.


Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding contributor. Please provide an e-mail address to enable page proofs to be sent as PDF files via e-mail, before publication. These should be checked thoroughly for any possible layout or typographic errors.

Submitting Copy

All contributions should be submitted as an email attachment to the Publishing Editor, jon.finch@thomsonreuters.com
All UK contributors receive two gratis copies of the issue containing their article upon publication (overseas contributors are entitled to a gratis pdf of their contribution). Contributors must supply their full contact details for further correspondence and are responsible for complying with the house style guide before making a submission.


Professor Graham Penn, UCL Faculty of Laws, University College London
Barnabas Reynolds, Shearman & Sterling

Editorial Advisory Board
Sir William Blair, Associate Member, 3 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn
Simon Firth, Partner, Linklaters, London
Simon Gleeson, Partner, Clifford Chance, London
Professor Ewan McKendrick KC, Emeritus Professor of English Private Law, University of Oxford and Professor of Anglo-American Law, University of Leiden
Tolek Petch, Slaughter and May, London
Andrew Whittaker, Director and Chair of the Risk and Audit Committee, ICE Futures Europe and a member of the Independent Regulatory Committee, Abu Dhabi Global Markets
Professor Guido Ferraina, University of Genoa


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  • Articles Index from Lawtel


Sample issue



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Copy should be submitted electronically to the Publishing Editor, jon.finch@thomsonreuters.com

Editorial Correspondence:
Jon Finch
Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation
Thomson Reuters
5 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
London E14 5AQ
Email: jon.finch@thomsonreuters.com

Commissioning Editor
Jen Martyres
Email: jen.martyres@googlemail.com

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