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6th Edition
Series:  Litigation Library
Practice Area:  Litigation
ISBN:  9780414109919
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  19 Dec 2023
Subscription Information:  Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Hardback
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Disclosure provides an authoritative and detailed analysis of the law relating to disclosure, i.e., the process whereby the parties to a legal action disclose to each other all documents in their possession, custody or power relating to matters in question in the action.

Key Features:

  • Provides an authoritative and detailed analysis of the law relating to the process whereby parties to an action disclose to each other all documents relating to the action
  • Covers both documentary and non-documentary disclosure
  • Considers the timing when disclosure should be made
  • Examines the granting of Norwich Pharmacal relief and other forms of pre-action disclosure
  • Discusses who must give disclosure, including special cases, non-parties and parties joined to an action for the purposes of disclosure
  • Considers the issue of privilege and the waiver of it
  • Examines the consequences of a failure to comply with the requirement to disclose
  • Looks at collateral use of documents, information requests, and expert reports
  • Covers disclosure in a wide range of Courts and Tribunals, and the continuing effects of the Human Rights Act 1998
  • Remains a key text internationally with material relevant to the Commonwealth, Ireland and the Channel Islands

New material in the Sixth Edition:

The Sixth Edition brings the work up to date. In particular, it covers the important transition from the Disclosure Pilot Scheme to the new Practice Direction for Business and Property cases. It also includes the following cases, to name but a few:

  • Cases on redaction, such as TVZ v Manchester City FC Ltd [2021] EWHC 1179 (QB)
  • Cases about electronic disclosure, such as Sportsradar AG v Football Dataco Ltd [2022] CAT 37
  • Cases dealing with inspection of documents, like Michael Wilson & Partners Ltd v Emmott [2022] EWHC 730 (Comm)
  • Cases on experts, such as Pickett v Balkind [2022] 4 WLR 88
  • Important privilege cases, such as Director of the Serious Fraud Office v Eurasian Natural Resources Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 2006, WH Holding Ltd v E20 Stadium LLP [2018] EWCA Civ 2652, and R (Jet2.com Ltd) v Civil Aviation Authority [2020] EWCA Civ 35
  • Information request cases, including Al-Saud v Gibbs [2022] 1 WLR 3082, Vardy v Rooney [2022] EWHC 1209 (QB) and Fairclough v Tasi Ltd [2022] EWHC 2714 (Ch)
  • Cases on failure to comply, like Ocado Group Plc v McKeeve [2021] EWCA Civ 145 and Olympic Council of Asia v Novans Jets LLP [2023] EWHC 276 (Comm)
  • Cases on access to the court file, such as Cape Intermediate Holdings Ltd v Dring [2020] AC 629
And many more…

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Part I: Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
Part 2: Documentary Disclosure
  • Chapter 2: Time of Disclosure
  • Chapter 3: Norwich Pharmacal and other pre-action Disclosure
  • Chapter 4: Persons who might give Disclosure
  • Chapter 5: What must be Disclosed
  • Chapter 6: Means of Disclosure
  • Chapter 7: Electronic Disclosure
  • Chapter 8: Objections to Disclosure
  • Chapter 9: Inspection of Documents
  • Chapter 10: Production by non-parties
  • Chapter 11: Objections to inspection: introduction and legal professional privilege
  • Chapter 12: Objections to inspection (2): public interest immunity
  • Chapter 13: Objections to Inspection (3): the privilege against incrimination
  • Chapter 14: Objections to Inspection (4): “without prejudice” privilege
  • Chapter 15: Objections to Inspection (5): witness statements, defamation privilege, diplomatic privilege and other statutory and discretionary objections
  • Chapter 16: Loss of Privilege
  • Chapter 17: Failure to comply with disclosure obligation
  • Chapter 18: Solicitor’s obligations
  • Chapter 19: Collateral use of documents
Part 3: Non-Documentary Disclosure
  • Chapter 20: Information requests
  • Chapter 21: Other disclosure of facts
  • Chapter 22: Experts’ reports
  • Chapter 23: Disclosure of real evidence
Part 4: Other Aspects of Disclosure
  • Chapter 24: Disclosure in other Courts and Tribunals
  • Chapter 25: The Impact of the Human Rights Act 1998
  • Appendix
    Statutes, Rules, Practice Directions and Forms


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