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  • Commercial Law, 3rd edition, October 2021, Fidelma White
      Paperback: 9780414089501; €140
  • Company Law, 5th edition, March 2017, Michael Forde & Hugh Kennedy
      Paperback: 9780414056350; €125
  • Contract Law in Ireland, 9th edition, November 2022, Professor Robert Clark
      Paperback: 9780414091818; €125
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      Paperback: 9781858005850; €104
  • Criminal Law Exam Focus, 1st edition, September 2009, Sarah Carew
      Paperback: 9781858005515; €45
  • Criminal Liability, 2nd edition, November 2022, Finbarr McAuley & Paul McCutcheon
      Hardback: 9780414072152; €210
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  • Equity and the Law of Trusts in Ireland, 7th edition, January 2020, Hilary Biehler
      Paperback: 9780414074606; €125
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  • Fundamentals of the Irish Legal System, 1st edition, June 2016, Liam Thornton, Tanya Ni Mhuirthile & Catherine O'Sullivan
      Paperback: 9781858007120; €87
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  • Fundamentals of the Irish Legal System, 2nd edition, Winter 2024, Liam Thornton, Tanya Ni Mhuirthile & Catherine O'Sullivan
      Paperback: 9780414115231; €85
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  • Lyall on Land Law, 5th edition, October 2023, Dr Noel McGrath
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      Paperback: 9781858004044; €162
  • How to Think, Write and Cite, 2nd edition, May 2016, Jennifer Schweppe, Ronan Kennedy & Larry Donnelly
      Paperback: 9780414056558; €25
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  • Irish Land Law - A Casebook, 1st edition, October 2020, Amina Adanan & Neil Maddox
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  • Administrative Law, 2nd edition, November 2010, Gerard Coffey
      Paperback: 9781858006079; €55
  • Civil Procedure and Practice, 1st edition, March 2004, Melody Buckley
      Paperback: 9781858003771; €75
  • Criminal Law, 1st edition, December 2010, Gerard Coffey
      Paperback: 9781858005874; €65
  • Evidence, 1st edition, February 2019, Matthew Holmes
      Paperback: 9780414066359; €60
  • Jurisprudence, 1st edition, April 2014, Dr Albert Keating
      Paperback: 9780414034792; €44
  • Law of Torts, 1st edition, January 2003, Philip Burke & Val Corbett
      Paperback: 9781858002347; €50
  • Succession Law, 1st edition, August 2007, Albert Keating
      Paperback: 9781858004792; €50
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  • Administrative Law, 2nd edition, March 2021, Matthew Holmes
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  • Company Law, 4th edition, January 2018,
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  • Constitutional Law, 3rd edition, August 2018, Dr Fergus Ryan
      Paperback: 9780414060975; €25
  • Contract Law, 2nd edition, August 2024, Shauna Colgan
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  • Criminal Law, 4th edition, May 2017, Cecilia Ni Choileain
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  • Employment Law, 3rd edition, January 2022, Dorothy Donovan
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  • Equity & Trusts, 2nd edition, September 2012, Miriam Dowling
      Paperback: 9781858006888; €25
  • EU Law, 1st edition, February 2017, Matthew Holmes
      Paperback: 9780414060999; €25
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      Print & ProView: 9780414114388; €32.50
  • Evidence, 1st edition, March 2006, Ross Gorman
      Paperback: 9781858004211; €25
  • Family Law, 2nd edition, Autumn 2024, Marianne Joyce
      Paperback: 9780414123991; €25
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  • Immigration, Free Movement of Persons, and Citizenship Law, 1st edition, June 2019, John Stanley
      Paperback: 9780414071452; €25
  • Irish Legal System, 1st edition, October 2010, Dorothy Donovan
      Paperback: 9781858005942; €25
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  • Land Law, 3rd edition, December 2020, Ruth Cannon
      Paperback: 9780414074958; €25
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      Print & ProView: 9780414114784; €32.50
  • Succession Law, 1st edition, September 2013, Karl Dowling & Robert Grimes
      Paperback: 9780414031470; €25
  • Tort, 3rd edition, September 2020, Irene Fisher
      Paperback: 9780414078017; €25
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