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International Trust Precedents

International Trust Precedents
Practice Area:  Trusts Law
ISBN:  9780414094345
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Editorial Team:Withers LLP
Publication Date:  23 Mar 2021
Subscription Information:  1 Release a year, Charge By Release
Format:  eBook - ProView
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Using overseas trusts can be one of the most highly effective methods of protecting business funds, reducing tax payments or reorganising control of assets and property. However, the utmost care must be taken to ensure that offshore trusts meet the need of the parties concerned, comply with the host jurisdiction's legal requirements and offer maximum protection from unwanted predators.

International Trust Precedents provides a complete library of documents, with clear supporting commentary, to create effective trusts in key overseas jurisdictions. Not only is it possible to compare different countries to see which jurisdictions are most suitable, but there is also the necessary back-up information on relevant trust law, company law, taxation and administration.

In addition, the work considers the UK implications of using offshore jurisdictions, deals with the possibility of establishing and transferring UK trusts overseas, and examines the position of offshore trustees.

  • Complete precedents written in a clear and easy-to-follow style and backed up by expert commentary
  • Looks at the relevant company and trust law of each jurisdiction
  • Explains how the use of overseas trusts can aid international business planning
  • Explains the position of offshore trustees
  • The full text of the precedents is now also available on disk in Word format to enable speedy drafting of documents without the need to rekey

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Please note that this title on Proview is sold on an annual subscription basis and will not be charged individually on release

If you’re interested in firmwide or multiple user access to this title on Proview then please contact us directly to discuss what options are available.

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