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Local Authority Licensing and Registration

Local Authority Licensing and Registration
Number of volumes: 2
ISBN:  9780851208862
Author: Philip Hyde
Subscription Information: 2 releases a year, Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Looseleaf
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This comprehensive work provides all that is needed for  local authority licence applications or registrations . Areas covered  include the full range of alcohol licences, taxis, casinos, houses in multiple occupation, tattoo parlours, pet shops and dog breeding, street trading and lotteries etc .

The extensive statutory and case material is supplemented with a full explanation of the background to, and guidance  in the context of the various administrative procedures of local authorities. The appropriate remedies available are fully discussed, and the role of the courts is reviewed in seeking redress against a local authority decision.

  • Explains the working of local authorities in either granting or refusing licence applications, and describes ways in which appeals against their decisions can be pursued
  • Sets out - with sample forms - each of the procedures to follow in making an application for all the licences granted by local authorities
  • Presents the applications for over 50 different licences in alphabetical order
  • Reproduces the relevant statutory provisions, circulars and forms and provides the relevant precedents

Changes to the licensing regime established under the Licensing Act 2003  including those set out in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act  2011, the Live Music Act 2012 and the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

The amendments include the following:

  • More local powers
  • Dealing with late-night drinking
  • Temporary events
  • Live Music 
  • Protecting children from harm
  • Reducing burden and bureaucracy and covering costs
  • The Licensing Authorities as Responsible Authorities
  • Primary Care Trusts and Local Health Boards as Responsible Authorities
  • Changes to ‘Interested Parties’
  • Reducing the evidence burden on Licensing Authorities
  • Temporary Event Notices
  • Persistent selling of alcohol to children
  • Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Orders
  • Suspension of licence for failing to pay annual fee
  • Licensing policy statements
  • Late Night Levy

Local Authority Licensing and Registration:

  • Provides all you need for successful local authority licence applications or registration
  • Recognised as the leading legal work covering local authority licensing functions, useful to  private practice,local authority lawyers  and licensing and regulatory officers alike
  • Explains the workings of local authorities in either granting (with or without conditions) or refusing licence applications, and describes ways in which appeals against their decisions can be pursued
  • Practical treatment includes sample forms for making an application for licences granted by local authorities
  • Presents the applications for over 50 different licenses in alphabetical order for ease of use
  • Reproduces the relevant statutory provisions, circulars, guidance and forms, and provides precedents to save you time and effort
  • Keeps you informed of the  comprehensive changes  to alcohol, entertainment and refreshment late at night  brought about  by the
  • Licensing Act 2003  (and its amendments) including analysis of all the important High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court rulings.
  • Provides thorough and comprehensive reference information that is updated regularly as implementation progresses and afterwards as the law develops

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