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European Human Rights Law Review

European Human Rights Law Review
Practice Area: Human Rights
ISBN: 9780414100817
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
Subscription Information: Any Time Start
Format: Journal, eBook - ProView
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With six issues each year, the European Human Rights Law Review (EHRLR) provides unrivalled, cutting-edge and up-to-date coverage of key issues in human rights law. With a matchless blend of news, case summaries and comment, opinion, analytical articles, updates and book reviews, it acts as a forum for serious discussion and debate on the European Convention on Human Rights, EU human rights, the wider international framework for the protection of human rights and the Human Rights Act 1998.

The EHRLR includes:
  • A Bulletin of case summaries, developments and news from the Council of Europe
  • An EU Charter of Rights Bulletin
  • Thoughtful opinion pieces
  • Articles and in-depth analysis on a wide range of human rights issues
  • Comprehensive book reviews
  • Coverage of human rights law in the UK and from Strasbourg and Luxembourg, including summaries of cases only reported in French

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  • We welcome the submission of articles of between 5,000 and 12,000 words for consideration by the Editors with a view to publication. All contributions must be in English.
  • We welcome analyses of significant human rights judgments from the domestic courts in the UK as well as supranational and international human rights bodies of up to 1,500 words. If you are interested in submitting a case analysis for consideration, please email the Editors beforehand with details of the judgment and why you consider it merits an analysis.
  • Submissions should be submitted to the Editors via e-mail in MS Word format to: ehrlr@law.cam.ac.uk
  • Submissions must include an abstract of no more than 150 words.
  • All articles are peer reviewed.
  • Copyright in all contributions remains in the contributors. The publishers acquire all publication rights.
  • Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • The European Human Rights Law Review accepts unsolicited book reviews, as well as undertaking solicited book reviews. They should be 800–1,500 words in length. Please send books for review and book reviews to Sarah Craig at s.craig1@ulster.ac.uk.
  • Contributors must supply their full contact details for further correspondence and are responsible for complying with the house style guide before making a submission.


The Editors welcome expressions of interest into special issues of the European Human Rights Law Review. Previous special issues have concentrated on the terms of reference for the Fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe as well as a special issue dedicated to the work and enduring contribution to the sphere of human rights by the late Editor, Jonathan Cooper KC.



Dr Stephanie Palmer, Dr Stevie Martin and Dr Kirsty Hughes
University of Cambridge

Deputy Editor
Dr Conor McCormick
Lecturer in Law & Director of the Human Rights Centre, Queen's University of Belfast

Book Review Editor
Sarah Craig
Lecturer, School of Law, Ulster University

Cases and Comment Editor
Vandita Khanna
Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

EU Charter Editor
Nabil Khabirpour
Fellow and Director of Studies in Law, Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge

Board Members

Professor Christine Chinkin
Professor of International Law, London School of Economics

Professor Andrew Clapham
Professor of Public International Law, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva

Daniel Denman
Legal Directorate, Ministry of Justice

Brice Dickson
Professor of International and Comparative Law, Queen’s University, Belfast

Professor Conor Gearty
Professor of Human Rights Law, London School of Economics; and Barrister, Matrix Chambers

Professor Françoise Hampson
University of Essex

Professor Colin Harvey
Professor of Human Rights Law, Queen’s University Belfast

Murray Hunt
Director, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

Philip Leach
Professor of Human Rights Law, Middlesex University

Aileen McColgan KC
Barrister, 11 King's Bench Walk Chambers

Nuala Mole
The AIRE Centre

Roisin Pillay
Director, Europe and Central Asia Programme, International Commission of Jurists

Karen Reid
Registry, European Court of Human Rights

Lord Justice Singh
Court of Appeal

Martha Spurrier
Director, Liberty

John Wadham
Doughty Street Chambers


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Editorial Correspondence:
Papers to be considered for publication and queries regarding contributions and the position of guest editor should be sent to Dr Stephanie Palmer, Dr Stevie Martin and Dr Kirsty Hughes via email at  ehrlr@law.cam.ac.uk

Correspondence to the Senior Publisher:
Sohini Banerjee
Thomson Reuters
5 Canada Square
Canary Wharf,
E14 5AQ
Email: sohini.banerjee@thomsonreuters.com

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