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Charities: The Law and Practice

Charities: The Law and Practice
Number of volumes: 3
Practice Area:  Charities
ISBN:  9780752000565
Subscription Information: 6 releases a year, Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Looseleaf
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Charities: The Law and Practice is an invaluable resource for professionals in the field, offering wide coverage of the key issues involved in establishing, administering and any charitable organisation.

Key Features:

  • Provides comprehensive and up-to-date explanations of all aspects of charities law and practice.
  • Offers detailed instructions on setting up a charity and managing trustee responsibilities.
  • Addresses complex areas such as fundraising, investment, taxation and trading.
  • Ideal for legal practitioners, charity trustees, and anyone involved in the management or establishment of charitable organisations.
  • With up to six updates per year, always reflects the latest changes in law and practice.

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[Volume  1]
Foreword – Lord Allen of Abbeydale                                                    
Editorial team                                                                                           
Explanation of the work                                                                         
Tables  –  Cases,  Statutes,  Statutory  Instruments and European Legislation
Table of Destinations: Charities Act 2011
Part 1: Commentary (sections A–H) 
A Meaning  and Extent of Charity
B Setting  up a Charity
C Registration of Charities
D Government  and Charities
E Running a Charity F  Land Transactions G   Funding
H Investing  the Funds
[Volume  2]
Part 1: Commentary (sections I–O)
I Amending  the Governing  Instrument
J Dealing with Disputes
K Trading
L Accounting, Auditing and Reporting
M Taxation
N Tax-Effective  Giving
O The European Dimension 

Part 2:    Source materials
Statues & Statutory instruments.
Part 3:    Appendices
Appendix 1: Charity Commission material                                                   
Appendix 2: Other materials                                                                          
Appendix 3: Taxation guidance                                                                     
Appendix 4: Useful lists and addresses                                                         
Appendix 5: Key decisions (formerly  Decisions of the Charity
Commission—Case Summaries)                                             
Our decisions (formerly  Final Decisions of the
Commission—Alphabetical Index)                                         
Part 4: Forms and precedents


Editors: Pesh Framjee; Francesca Quint


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6 updating releases published per annum


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