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Goode on Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions

Goode on Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions
4th Edition
ISBN:  9780414084308
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  11 Jan 2021
Format:  eBook - ProView, Paperback
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Goode on Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions is the practitioner’s essential source of clear and in depth answers for issues concerning monetary obligations.  This complete guide sheds light on all forms of payment, the common law and legislative regulation, and the underpinning legal principles.

Key features:
  • A clear and detailed explanation of the legal principles involved in monetary obligations in commercial transactions
  • Covers all aspects of payment obligations from the definitions of money and payment through to international inter-bank transfers and foreign money obligations
  • Offers new insights into familiar problems by rigorous analysis of the underlying legal principles
  • Analyses the key concepts of money, payment, obligation to pay, the right to payment and defences and remedies regarding payment claims
  • Explains the stipulations concerning time and interest: express and implied terms, the impact of termination of contract, and the acceleration of liability
  • Simplifies complex but crucial concepts such as compound interest, payment to an agent, recovery of exchange rate losses and foreign illegality
  • Provides guidance on complying with anti money-laundering legislation
  • Introduces electronic and virtual money systems
  • Enables practitioners to advise on damages and remedies in cross-border transactions
  • Elucidates the law in Commonwealth jurisdictions and the US, providing a comparative approach to problems which are international in character
  • Thoroughly up to date revisions of classic lectures by the pre-eminent Sir Roy Goode QC

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