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Administrative Court Digest

Administrative Court Digest
Practice Area: Administrative Law
ISBN: 9780414100510
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
Editor in Chief: Roger Venne KC
Subscription Information: Any Time Start
Format: Journal, eBook - ProView
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Administrative Court Digest, formerly entitled Crown Office Digest, is the only case digest to provide administrative law practitioners and researchers with fully referenced coverage of all the important decisions across the wide range of the Administrative Court.
  • Unrivalled coverage of public law decisions
  • Many cases unreported elsewhere
  • Includes cases on a wide variety of subject areas
  • Full text judgment included where a case is of particular importance
  • Comprehensive indexing and referencing for ease of use

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Editor in Chief:

Roger Venne, KC
Former Master of the Crown Office, Administrative Court


James Shirley, Barrister
The 36 Group

Tom Rainsbury, Barrister
3 Verulam Buildings

Case Commentator:

Lisa Busch, KC
Cornerstone Barristers


Personal subscription now available – 50% discount

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