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Woodroffe & Lowe Consumer Law and Practice

Woodroffe & Lowe Consumer Law and Practice
10th Edition
Practice Area:  Academic Law, Consumer Law
ISBN:  9780414056121
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  10 Oct 2016
Subscription Information:  Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Paperback
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Consumer Law and Practice provides undergraduate students and those studying the LPC with concise yet comprehensive guidance. It is also a useful aid for practitioners (including those advising businesses) and non-lawyers requiring information which can be quickly understood. Using an innovative problem-solving approach to the subject, we focus on situations in which clients may find themselves and explain how the law deals with such situations.

“Between the covers is a mine of information clearly and accurately set out … a valuable tool for non-specialist and specialist alike.” The Law Society’s Gazette


Introduction; Part I: The Consumer and the Civil Law; “They say it isn’t mine”; “It’s a good little bus”; “It doesn’t work”; “It will cost £1,000 to make them safe”; “Do I have to pay?”; “What are my remedies?”; “They say that I have signed away my rights”; “These small print terms seem very unfair”; “How do I enforce my rights without going to court?”; “What happens if I go to court?”; 

Part II: The Consumer and the Criminal Law; Introduction; “The description misled me”; “The price was wrong”; “The goods aren’t safe”; Crime and compensation;
Part III: Administrative Control; Fair Trading; 
Part IV: Special Protection in Credit Transactions; The background to Consumer Credit; “What agreements are caught by the Act?”; Control of business activities; “I can’t remember what I signed”; “Can I get out of the agreement?”; “The goods are defective”; “I have lost my credit card”; “I can’t afford to pay”; “I want to see my credit file”; Proposals for reform; The European Union dimension
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