Media Law provides a succinct and lucid introduction to all areas of the law relating to print, broadcast and electronic media. Written in a clear style, it is equally accessible to law and media students, as well as those working in the media world. Media lawyers have found previous editions invaluable as an
introductory text.
- Includes coverage of all the different media platforms including radio, satellite, multi-channel, cable and the internet, looking at each one and providing guidance on licensing standards, competition, broadcast rights and mergers
- Goes through the key issues and explains the complex principles of media law
- Uses real-life cases and scenarios to show how the law is applied in practice
- Clarifies complex issues using diagrams, flow charts, bulleted lists and tables
- Covers case law and legislative developments
- Incorporates more academic criticism and analysis to get students to engage and think about the subject
- Contains extracts from the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, and the Press Complaints Commission’s Code of Practice
- Points students to extended study with a detailed
glossary and a list of website addresses