Sources of employment law
- Statute
- Case law
- European law
The tribunal and court system
- Informality
- Representation
- Legal aid
- Costs
- The members
- Certain rules of evidence
Who is an employee?
- Definitions and tests
- Typical workers
- Atypical workers
The contract of employment
- Express terms
- Implied terms
Equal pay
- The Equal Pay Act 1970
- Like work
- Work rated as equivalent
- Work of equal value
- Genuine material factor defence
- What is pay?
- Sex and race discrimination
- Scope of existing legislation
- The EOC, CRE and DRC
- The Sexual Discrimination Act 1975
- The Race Relations Act 1976
- Positive discrimination
- Sexual orientation
- Direct discrimination
- Harassment
- Comparators
- Victimisation
- Indirect discrimination
- Pool of comparators
- Dress codes
- Vicarious liability
- Defence
- Remedies
- Disability discrimination
Other statutory rights
- National Minimum Wage Act 1998
- Working Time Regulations 1998
- Maternity rights
- Human Rights Act 1998
- Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
- Fixed-term Employees Regulations 2002
Health and safety
Termination of employment
- Termination by way of contract
- Termination in breach of contract
- Termination by methods external to the contract
Wrongful dismissal
- Basic position
- Other developments
- The effect of repudiatory breach
- Public law remedies
Unfair dismissal
- Can the applicant claim?
- Can a dismissal be identified
- The reasons for dismissal
- The fairness of the dismissal
- Work of a particular kind
- Place of work
- Who is eligible
- Continuity of employment
- Procedure
- Compensation
- Transfer of undertakings
- Common law position
- Transfer of undertakings
- "undertaking"
- "relevant transfer"
- Dismissal of employees
- Consultation over transfers
Restraint of trade
- Competition whilst employed
- Garden leave
- Restrictive covenants
Trade unions and their members
- Independent trade union status
- Trade union recognition
- Trade union political funds
- Freedom of association
- Union rules
Industrial action
- Official and unofficial action
- Trade union's liability in tort
- The major economic torts
- Inducement to breach contract
- Interference with contract
- Interference with trade or businesses
- Intimidation
- Conspiracy
- Is the action protected by an immunity?
- Has the immunity been lost?
Examination checklist
Examination guidance questions