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Journal of Social Security Law

Journal of Social Security Law
ISBN: 9780414101210
Published by: Sweet & Maxwell
Subscription Information: Any Time Start
Format: Journal, eBook - ProView
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The Journal of Social Security Law provides expert coverage and analysis of the latest developments in law, policy and practice across the field of social security law, covering the wide range of welfare benefits and tax credits in the UK and internationally. Topics covered in recent and forthcoming issues include:

  • Social Security Adjudication and the Advent of 'Online Tribunals'
  • Discretionary Housing Payments
  • Welfare Conditionality and Sanctions
  • Women and Social Security: An Historical Perspective on Invalidity Pension
  • The 'Benefit Cap' and Human Rights
  • Problems with the 'Manifestly Without Reasonable Foundation' Test for Unlawful Discrimination in Social Security

The Journal gives detailed coverage to the many legislative developments, keeping readers up to date with both changes in primary legislation and amendments to social security regulations. Areas covered will include the impact of Brexit on social security; the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016; the continuing implementation of Universal Credit; disability benefits, including Personal Independence Payment; and the impact of devolved welfare in Scotland. Reforms in the area of pensions are also given attention. The journal will also continue to focus on the adjudication of social security claims and on case law developments, including the decisions of the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber). The Journal, which is a member of the European Network of Social Security Law Journals, remains committed to highlighting the impact of the human rights and relevant EU legislation in the field of social security and to covering developments in other states that are of particular interest.

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The General Editors of the Journal Of Social Security Law (J.S.S.L.) welcome inquiries from intending contributors about items that may be suitable for publication. While we are able to accommodate articles across the range 2,000 and 9,500 words, the ideal length would be approximately 4,000-5,000 words. Case Analyses should be between 1,000 and 2,500 words. General Correspondence should be addressed to Neville Harris or Gráinne McKeever at the addresses below. Contributors should note the following points:

  1. Submission of Articles, Case Analyses or other contributions will be held to imply that they contain original unpublished work and are not being submitted for publication elsewhere. No liability is accepted for loss or damage to materials submitted.
  2. Manuscripts should be typewritten or word-processed (without handwritten alterations) on one side of the paper only (using A4 paper). The text should be double-spaced with 1.5'' margins on both sides to allow for editorial notes and instructions to printers. The number of words should be stated.
  3. It would be desirable if Articles used short, useful headings. Footnotes, where used, should be numbered consecutively and be set out at the foot of the relevant pages. Case names should be underlined and punctuation used in standard legal references (e.g. [1988] 2 All E.R. 123 SI 1987/1973). In Case Analyses all references should be incorporated in the text. In other matters, e.g. layout, reference may be made to past issues of the J.S.S.L.
  4. Authors should provide the biographical information in the form in which they wish it to appear in the J.S.S.L. An address, phone number and (where possible) a fax number should be provided for correspondence and proofs.
  5. Authors will be provided with two complimentary copies of the issue featuring their article.
  6. The General Editor will acknowledge submissions as quickly as possible. A definite decision on publication will be given within eight weeks, again so far as is possible. Referees' comments will be sought for articles.
  7. Copyright in all pieces accepted for publication remains with the authors, and the publishers acquire publication rights. If all or any part of any published material is reproduced elsewhere, the author should acknowledge the J.S.S.L. as the original place of publication.

Submission of Articles, Case Analyses or other contributions should be sent to: Neville Harris, School of Law, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL Tel: 0161 275 3594 Fax: 0161 275 3579 Email: neville.harris@manchester.ac.uk or Gráinne McKeever, School of Law, Ulster University, Shore Road, Jordanstown Campus, Newtownabbey BT37 0QB. Tel: 028 9036 6340 Email: g.mckeever@ulster.ac.uk

Contributors must supply their full contact details for further correspondence and are responsible for complying with the house style guide before making a submission.


General Editors
Neville Harris, LL.M., Ph.D., FAcSS Barrister, Emeritus Professor of Law, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester
Gráinne McKeever, M.Phil., Ph.D, Professor of Law, School of Law, University of Ulster

News Editor
Jed Meers, M.Res., Ph.D, Lecturer, York Law School, University of York

Digest Editors
Dr Emma Laurie, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Law, Southampton Law School, University of Southampton
Dr Charlotte O’Brien, LL.M, Ph.D, Professor of Law, York Law School, York University
Tom Royston, Barrister, Garden Court North Chambers

Book Review Editor
Mark Simpson, Lecturer in Law, University of Ulster

Editorial Advisory Board
Michael Adler, Emeritus Professor of Socio-Legal Studies, University of Edinburgh
David Bonner, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Leicester
Thomas Erhag, Professor of Public Law, School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University, Sweden
John Mesher, Judge of the Upper Tribunal
Jane Millar, Professor of Social Policy, University of Bath
Paul Minderhoud, Associate Professor, Centre for Migration Law, Radhound University Nijmegan, The Netherlands 
Lisa Scullion, Professor of Social POlicy, University of Salford
Nick Wikeley (Honorary Editor), Judge of the Upper Tribunal, Emeritus Professor, University of Southampton.


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Editorial correspondence
Submissions to:
Neville Harris
School of Law
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 275 3594
Fax: 0161 275 3579
Email: neville.harris@manchester.ac.uk

Publishing editor
Peter Chare
Sweet & Maxwell
5 Canada Square
E14 5AQ
Tel: 020 7542 6664
Email: peter.chare@thomsonreuters.com

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