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Ambush Marketing

Ambush Marketing
A Practical Guide to Protecting the Brand of a Sporting Event
Part of EIPR Practice Series
Series:  EIPR Practice Series
Practice Area:  Intellectual Property
ISBN:  9781847033949
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  12 Dec 2007
Subscription Information:  Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Paperback
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Effectively protect your brand from ambush marketing

Ambush Marketing includes an analysis of the law relating to ambush marketing. It provides guidance for those involved with major sporting events and on how the law and other strategies can be used to limit ambush marketing.

It assists those wishing to advise on marketing or advertising campaigns in and around sporting events providing practical advice on how to go about marketing these big events, covering all major IP issues that might arise.

This book discusses the importance of sponsorship, the concept of ambush marketing and how ambush marketing can be prevented. By giving you key insight into this topic for both those trying to limit ambush marketing and those who use ambush marketing, it considers the advantages and disadvantages of ambush marketing, so you can reach informed decisions for your clients.

This is the first book to properly analyse Olympic association right and London Olympics association right. It outlines information on the legislation in place to protect events in some countries for example the Grand Prix in Australia and specific ambush marketing protection in South Africa.

Answers key questions and gives you valuable advice

Ambush Marketing provides IP and other brand management strategies, as well as general information relating to the law surrounding sports events branding by answering some key questions:
  • What to register and when to register?
  • What is protected, what is not protected?
  • What evidence should be collected and when?
  • What steps need to be taken to protect the brand?
  • What steps to take to restrict/ prevent ambush marketing?
  • When to have recourse to a particular measure?
  • When to pursue infringers at the border (customs), in the criminal courts or in civil courts?


Contents includes
  • Introduction
  • Using trade marks
  • Using other intellectual property rights
  • Sui generis protection: the Olympics and Paralympics games
  • Ambush marketing protection: London Olympics
  • Exploiting the brand
  • Advertising and trade regulations
  • Selling tickets and using them for promotional purposes
  • Enforcement
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