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Discrimination in Employment: Law and Practice

Discrimination in Employment: Law and Practice
Series:  Practitioner Series
Practice Area:  Litigation
ISBN:  9780752001647
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  20 Dec 1995
Subscription Information:  Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Paperback
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Discrimination law is complex and breaches are becoming increasingly costly. Last year, industrial tribunals dealt with one third more sex discrimination cases, and since the compensation limit was abolished, awards have grown by 45% - making it essential for practitioners to keep ahead of events in this key area of employment law.
Discrimination in Employment: Law and Practice provides authoritative guidance and a practical approach to help practitioners fully understand the principles involved.
Every aspect of discrimination in the work place - from sex and race discrimination and equal pay issues to religion and disability - is examined in this work, which means that practitioners can advise clients with confidence that they are not missing any area.
Written in a clear and comprehensive style for ease of use, it includes a guide to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and explains the rights and obligations of both employers and employees as defined by UK and particularly EU law and case law.
The authors, both well known employment specialists, provide authoritative commentary combined with practical guidance in the form of user-friendly precedents and checklists to help the reader quickly absorb this core area of employment law.
Whether advising a claimant or a defendent before an industrial tribunal, this book is an invaluable source of guidance practitioners cannot afford to be without.

* Considers all forms of discrimination in the workplace
* Explains in full how EC law affects the rights of employees and the obligations of employers using case law where appropriate
* Looks at the subject from both the claimant and defendant's points-of-vi
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