
SULI welcome book proposals for any new SULI Titles. The requirements for a SULI book are set out here and authors should complete and submit a proposal form to the SULI Director, Professor Barry J Rodger. All new SULI proposals are subject to approval by SULI Council and finalised manuscripts are peer-reviewed by three anonymous reviewers, generally consisting of members of the judiciary, the legal profession and academia.

SULI books are distinctive and of the highest quality:

  • The SULI series has, since its inception in the 1960s, been designed to provide restatements of the major areas of the law of Scotland, of the highest possible quality: SULI books are better than any other contemporary exposition of the law in the area being covered.  It is important to understand the philosophy of SULI: many books are eminently worthy of publication without being suitable for the SULI imprint. 
  • A SULI book needs to be self-contained, with references to all Scottish authority on the issues being discussed, and comprehensive reference to the major English and, where appropriate, foreign equivalents.  These authorities need to be fully explained within the body of a SULI work which needs to be, to coin a phrase, a “one-stop shop”. 
  • A SULI book needs to be discursive, not only of the case law but of the commentaries thereon and of the concepts behind the law. 
  • A SULI book needs to be historical and, where appropriate, comparative. 
  • A SULI book needs to be evaluative.  What are the principles behind the law and how do the current rules consist with these principles? 
  • A SULI book needs to be comprehensive, with each footnote listing every Scottish case that illustrates the point, and not just the best-known (or best).
  • A SULI book tone needs to be formal and objective; providing opinions but avoiding polemics, slang etc.
  • A SULI book needs to be better than any current publication on the topic. 


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