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Human Rights Practice

Human Rights Practice
Number of volumes: 1
Practice Area:  Human Rights
ISBN:  9780421625402
General Editor: Angela Patrick
Subscription Information: 2 releases a year, Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Looseleaf
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Providing comprehensive information on this important and complex field, Human Rights Practice:
  • Explains the Human Rights Act 1998 and its impact on domestic law
  • Guides you, chapter-by-chapter, through each Article and Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights
  • Contains extensive case law from both the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and UK courts
  • Covers key Convention principles developed by the Court and the Commission, such as proportionality and necessity
  • Details the procedures you need to follow when taking a case to Strasbourg, including time limits, legal aid, levels of compensation and representative action and evidence
  • Contains all relevant primary material and reproduces the Human Rights Act 1998 in full
  • Includes a range of useful material including the rules of the European Court of Human Rights, the composition of the Court, list of useful website links, plus much more

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  • Understanding the convention
  • Article 2: the right to life
  • Article 3: prohibition of ill-treatment
  • Article 4: prohibition of slavery and forced labour
  • Article 5: right to liberty and security
  • Article 6: the right to a fair trial
  • Article 7: no punishment without law
  • Article 8: the right to respect for private and family life
  • Article 9: freedom of thought, conscience and religion
  • Article 10: freedom of expression
  • Article 11: freedom of assembly and association
  • Article 12: the right to marry
  • Article 13: the right to an effective remedy
  • Article 14: prohibition of discrimination
  • Article 1 of protocol no. 1: protection of property
  • Article 2 of protocol no. 1: right to education
  • Article 3 of protocol no. 1: right to free elections
  • The Human Rights Act 1998
  • The European Court of Human Rights: Practice and Procedure
  • Admissibility criteria
  • Tables of just satisfaction awards as made by the ECTHR


Foreword to Release 35

Welcome to our new editorial team!
I am honoured to assume the role of General Editor of this volume. Jessica Simor QC, together with Ben Emmerson QC, as one of the original authors of the first looseleaf text dedicated herself to the publication for over 15 years. Shortly after the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force, Jessica and Ben saw the importance for all practitioners of an up to date, practical and easy to access compendium on the fast moving practice of human rights law. Under Sweet and Maxwell’s stewardship, Human Rights Practice was born. I first became involved with Human Rights Practice as a contributing author in 2003, and have been involved in its evolution since. I am first and foremost a frequent and grateful user of this volume. As both a contributor and a reader, I express genuine gratitude to Jessica and Ben for their work. In my new role, taking responsibility for the growth and direction of the work, together with the publishing team. I extend my particular thanks to Jessica for both her vision and her editorial skill.

The inherent value of the book remains. For new and experienced lawyers alike, a
single volume on Convention practice at Strasbourg and before the European Court of Human Rights, and before the domestic courts under the Human Rights Act 1998, covering the procedures and practices of both, together with guidance on quantum and remedies, is a crucial addition to any practitioners’ library.

Together with our excellent team of contributing authors, we will work hard to ensure that Human Rights Practice is a vital and indispensable tool. Expect timely and full releases to bring up-to-date additions and recent practice information. I’m delighted that Hayley Douglas, Doughty Street Chambers, has agreed to join the team as Editorial Assistant. I welcome any readers suggestions for updated, user-friendly content.

The role of human rights law in practice in the UK continues to evolve. Fast approaching 20 years since the passage of the Human Rights Act 1998, its contribution to our constitutional armoury remains ever subject to both legal scrutiny and political attack. The protection of human rights in common law increasingly dovetails with the statutory protection it offers. As Brexit dominates our political dialogue, it so influences the legal remedies for human rights violations in the UK. The UK Government is committed to the Human Rights Act 1998 and the ECHR for at least the duration of this Parliament. In 2017 alone, there were 15, 595 judgments delivered by the European Court of Human Rights (European Court of Human Rights, Annual Report, 2017 (Provisional) (December 2017)). Of those, although only 5 were against the UK, and only 2 found a violation, there may be helpful sources of law and comparative practice for UK practitioners.

The pages of this volume are testament to the significance of human rights jurisprudence - from housing to health, from security to sanitation. The latest cases from the European Court of Human Rights and from our highest courts in the UK may make the headlines; Human Rights Practice will continue to go beyond the banner and the newsstand - sourcing updates from Strasbourg and beyond - to furnish practitioners with a reliable human rights tool to draw upon.

Angela Patrick
February 2018


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