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Constitutional & Administrative Law

Constitutional & Administrative Law
ISBN:  9781847032195
Published by:  Sweet & Maxwell
Publication Date:  25 Jul 2008
Subscription Information:  Non-Subscribable Product
Format:  Paperback
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Constitutional and Administrative Law provides a clear and accessible examination of the key areas of constitutional and administrative law and human rights. As part of the Textbook Series, the work:
  • Sets out a clear framework and seeks to explain the intricacies of the law as clearly as possible, without sacrificing the detail that is required for a proper understanding of the subject.
  • Covers the general principles of the constitution and institutional framework for governmental power
  • Recognises the importance and growth of judicial review and human rights within the UK constitution
  • Identifies and discusses all the key recent developments in constitutional law


Fundamentals of constitutional law
  • Constitutions: what? why?
  • Typical characteristics
  • Structure of United Kingdom governance
  • Sources of the UK constitution
  • Membership of the European Union
  • Rule of law
  • Separation of powers
  • Sovereignty of parliament
Institutions of the UK Constitution
  • Elections and enfranchisement
  • The House of Commons
  • The House of Lords
  • Parliamentary privilege
  • The executive
  • Royal prerogative
Administrative Law
  • Nature and procedure of an application for judicial review and remedies
  • Grounds of judicial review I: illegality and ultra vires
  • Grounds of judicial review II: unreasonableness and proportionality
  • Grounds of judicial review III: procedural impropriety
  • Grounds of judicial review IV: legitimate expectation - a new ground?
  • Alternative means of redress - ombudsman and tribunals
Human rights and civil liberties
  • The European Convention on Human Rights
  • The Human Rights Act 1998
  • Liberty and due process
  • Private and family life
  • Freedom of expression


"I wish that this book had been published during the time of the Graduate Diploma in Law... The structure of the book is perfect, and contains sections on Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Human Rights Law." Customer review, Amazon.co.uk
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